------------------------------------ cyc's demo readme ------------------------------------ 1killtng UV speed demos ------------------------------------ port : prboom (2.2.4) -complevel 1 (doom compatibility) wad : doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=8714 ------------------------------------ This is a UV speed pack of 1killtng megawad. some source ports will exit due to a couple of bad patches in the wad, something like wintex will help you with that ------------------------------------ MAP01 01-043.lmp Rather infuratingly "slow looking" best exit, the shuffle with the imps after getting the red key is offset by the fact that i luck-in on the revenant room towards the end as usually that's the bottleneck MAP02 02-128.lmp There's a trick i dont try here whereby the red key trap is blocked a seargent or two enabling you to backtrack to a nearer red door. the sheer amount of seargants and cacodemons makes it hard work and it might actually be that the route i took works out quicker anyway! MAP03 03-330.lmp Tricky due to large numbers of chaingunners can be done faster if one is lucky enough to charge directly to the SSG and survive! (desyncs in some ports) MAP04 04-017.lmp three linedefs trigger a trap at the start of this map but they'r sufficiently spaced to allow the player to trigger two but not the all important exit-switch blocking door MAP07 07-406.lmp on reflection i should really have finished off the remaining mancubi and made this a max but this is my first exit, and after taking on 6 archies at once and coming first i was shaking and made haste. theres a possible archvile jump to the exit that i plan to try later MAP08 quite a few of the maps in this wad are of this nature; all 3 keys in a large warren like map. however there's a trick here where the blue key can be grabbed through the bars at the start E4M1 style. so i might try this one in the future. MAP09 n09-032.lmp <- watch this first nomonsters feasibility study, simple enough providing you dont get lost, that is! 09-084.lmp here it is! first exit. final exit! i got closer and closer to that safe ledge with each run, not really knowing what i would do if i got there. fortunatley the demon didnt promptly chomp me and the final revenant didnt quite manage to corner me. phew! haven't looked through the rest of the wad yet to find more maps to run but will do ------------------------------------