Cycloid's doom stuff

Released Wads

cyc-a.wad "Enter"

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My first released doom map, set in a marble temple with some hellspawn thrown in towards the end. It's vanilla doom compatible and features many switchey changey sectors, which open out the level as it progresses.

note: this contains the "multiple stairs sectors" bug where with some ports (zdoom) a set of stairs wont raise, fortunatley zdoom has jumping to allow you to get around this :-)

cyc-b.wad "React"

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My second released doom map, set in a mountainside tech base. it's quite dark in places and here i attempt to contrast the dark interior with the brightness of the sky and consoles in places. this map takes the step up to boom compatibility and features a little "voodoo doll" scripting (however it still works in Legacy) as well as an attempt to create a new monster. it's relatively easy, even on UV so there's no reason not to give it a go :-)